Thursday, July 31, 2008

My smart baby

The other day we got new carpet, and Geo and I were putting our bed back together and realised that Jr. was being very quiet in the other room. When we walked in he had an open container of hair gel and was putting it in his hair. Neither me or Geo use hair gel in our hair, so how did he know that's where it went?? lol. He also says "bye dad" now. Yay! starting to put words together. We are so proud of him. He is growing up so fast and he is so smart!!!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Happy Birthday to one of my best friends, my confidant, my co-conspirator, MY SISTER!!!! I love you so much, and hope you had a wonderful birthday! I'm so glad there is someone like you in my life. I'm glad that we don't have secrets from each other, and that I didn't have to look very far to find my best friend ever!! I can't wait till we get to celebrate our birthdays. Sorry I couldn't be there for it. LOVE YOU SISTER... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Twilight and New Moon

Everyone needs to stop what the're doing and go buy these books! So far I have read Twilight and am half way done with New Moon. I can't put the book down. They are the best mix of fantacy, romance, and thrill I have ever read. I just hope the movie can be half as good as the books are!!! I honestly don't know what I'm going to do with myself when I don't have anymore of these books to read :(... lol.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


I'm going to school right now at night, and quit my job because It's not worth gas, baby sitter headaches, and school work. I just can not understand why ever since I quit work I can't wake up in the morning!! I think I need a hobby or something. I know I need to get up and clean the house, do school work, and all this, but I am just rediculously lazy!! I have know Idea what to do, but I don't want to be so lazy. I can't get a job because of the before said things, so what do I do??? HELP!

Thursday, July 17, 2008


So... I want to start by saying HELLLLLLLO!! WHY DIDN'T ANYONE TELL ME THERE WAS GIN IN A MAITAI... Uuugh. I went to eat chinese the other night and thought a mai tai sounded fruity and delicious. No where on the menu did it mention "Gin" being in it, so when I got it I was so disapointed. The worst part... I drank it any way... Hey!! I'm not gonna waist $5.00
Any way... Over that. My little guy is getting so big! He's started his new thing where he's always trying to say "bye". it's so cute!!! He knows exactly what he wants and points to it, and if you get it wrong he shakes his head no. I know that everyone else's kids go through the same things. But I just think he's so smart!! lol. The other day he put his little arm around me protectively... He's so sweet & adorable.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

My 21st Birthday

So my first alcoholic drinks at an actual restaraunt was a very large very strawberry & rasberry margarita. Mmmmm... & then a long island ice tea ,(for my brother Gino) , which was also mmmm... Gino was right for once, but sshhh don't let him know. lol... I so wish they could have been there. After I got home and started drinking boring not bartender drinks I wanted to know how to make a long island ice tea... So... Here's the recipe, now we know.

The night was pretty fun. After leaving the restaraunt we went home, and some of our friends came over. Ended up taking shots of tequila, (never good), and drinking Mike's hard Pomegranite lemonade, (so good), and Jack Daniel's Home Town Punch, (never again), and that was that. I woke up the next day and felt the worst I have ever felt in my life, (eeerg). I guess that's what you're supposed to feel like the day after you're 21st thow. Hey! At least I wasn't throwing up that night!!!! I feel so acomplished over that ;)

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Most Precious Picutures Ever

So, I finaly got to take a look at these pictures that we had done while in Oregon. They are so cute!! Our kids are so precious. I just wish Alana could have also been a part of it all. :(.

Ella is very gorgious as a fairy, and Jr is all boy!! Jayden looks so cute all so in him and Jr.'s matching outfits. I'm so suprised we could find the same outfit for both of them! Jr. had so much fun with his cousins. They all play so well with each other and none of them get left out.... Which is not usual with kids.

Monday, July 7, 2008

The Begining

My sister , Amanda, has a blog and I love going to her page. It has every part of our family in it. All the cute pictures, and everything. So here's my try to show it from my view. So we can all get the full affect of such an adventures and interesting family. My sister has two beautiful kids; Jayden (6), and Ella (9 months going on beauty queen) lol. Our brother, (pretty removed from our worlds') has a little girl , Alana. She's precious! Always happy and smiling. And I have a rambuctious little prince, Giovani (Jr) 1 1/2 years old. He's is horrably independant and 100% adorable.