Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Truth About Teflon and Aluminum in Cookware!!

Sure, we are all guilty of useing the convenient non-stick teflon and the hand-me-down aluminum pots and pans. But what are we really feeding our families in attempts at a good meal?

Teflon itself is formerly used not in cookware, but in NASCAR parts from DuPont. It contains chemicals including Ammonium Perfluorooctanoate (C-8) which has been linked to birth defects, cancer, organ damage, and changes in lipid levels.

That being said... Why don't we just take a look at the warning label. It clearly says to remove any small birds from the kitchen while cooking with these pots. Seriously?! If I have to move a bird... Why would I want my children around this!!!
You also must make sure not to cook on high, because the chemicals that burn into the air have been known to cause Teflon Flu. Causing flu like symptoms such as headaches, chills, backaches, and a temperature rangeing from 100-104. I don't know about you, but after hearing all this... I kicked NASCAR out of my kitchen.

Aluminum pots and pans have been around forever. We also use aluminum in such things as soda cans and canned foods. Have you ever noticed how a soda in a can tastes so much different than a fountain soda or bottled? This is because in consuming the soda, we are also consuming aluminum. This is also true in cooking with aluminum pots.

Studies have shown that aluminum gets rapped around our brain cells; which in long term use could lead, among other things, to Alzheimers. This neurotoxic substance has been found in four parts of the brain in Alzheimers patients. So please!!! Buy bottled soda, fresh or frozen vegies and get that aluminum out of your life!

It is so scary to know that things we use everyday and trust to provide good wholesome meals for our families is really just destroying us!


Amanda said...

Good info to know! I need to invest in new pots & pans...I'm going to tweet this so other moms can read about it.