Thursday, July 30, 2009


I recently started a new business in Mortage and Credit Solutions. My web site is The services's offered are credit restoration which has helped 4 out of 5 people improve their credit! We also offer new low rate mortgage-home loans and refinancing with a rate starting as low as 1.oo%. There is also services for starting a work at home business, which lets face it.... Most of us would love to stay at home! More time with the kids so you don't miss those precious moments. Please visit my website and leave me a comment telling me what you think!!!!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Just a Motivating Monday

What motivates me everyday is to wake up and eat breakfast. I know it sounds small, and yes, almost everyone does it. But if I skip it I seriously won't be motivated for the rest of the day.
Today was pretty awsome, because I started the Weight Watchers diet, and I was so worried I was going to have to eat something like bland cerial with fat free milk. lol. But no... I had a yummy omlette that was only 7 pts.!
For those of you trying weight watchers try this:
2 eggs
1/2 tbsp. butter
1 slice of onion chopped into small cubes
1/4 cup of grated cheese
Heat up your pan on medium heat. Add the butter then the eggs. Sprinkle the onion and cheese evenly around eggs. Cook and eat.
Fills you up... And keeps you motivated!!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Lump on My Two Year Old's Neck!?

O.K. So this has been a problem for me for the last year & a half. My son's babysitter told me that he had a bump on both sides of his neck. I took a look and it was what I would guess to be swollen lymph nodes. I immediately freaked out and took him to the emergency room where they told me this was normal. The Dr. said that kids sometimes get swollen lymph nodes when they are fighting off an infection from a cold or other such virus. So I felt relieved and thought it would just go away.

But it didn't... the one on the right side eventually went away, but the left side stayed. I think it got a little bigger also.

So I then took him to the Dr. that he has through Medi-Cal. He barely looked at it, said it was fine and didn't explain. I could barely understand the guy to begin with. So I switched him to a different office. Again someone I can barely understand, but he ordered a TB test. This came back negative, so I waited a couple months and went back. This time the Dr. basically just dismissed the prob. completely. He said it was fine and that they couldn't take it off because it wasn't big enough or he wasn't old enough or something.

Nobody ever did anything to find out what it was. All they did was look at it. I feel so helpless. I'm so hateing Molina and Medi-Cal, and just want someone to tell me what's wrong with my baby! Does anyone have any ideas??

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Life Changing Book 'The Secret'!

I am so excited! I entered a giveaway on and won the book the secret!!! It is basicaly a book that teaches people possitive thinking and its possitive affect on the quality of life. And I have heard that it has changed many peoples' lives. I can not wait to get this book and see if I can be one of those people!!!

CHECK OUT A fun blog about the trials, tribulations, and happiness in a family... And much more.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Truth About Teflon and Aluminum in Cookware!!

Sure, we are all guilty of useing the convenient non-stick teflon and the hand-me-down aluminum pots and pans. But what are we really feeding our families in attempts at a good meal?

Teflon itself is formerly used not in cookware, but in NASCAR parts from DuPont. It contains chemicals including Ammonium Perfluorooctanoate (C-8) which has been linked to birth defects, cancer, organ damage, and changes in lipid levels.

That being said... Why don't we just take a look at the warning label. It clearly says to remove any small birds from the kitchen while cooking with these pots. Seriously?! If I have to move a bird... Why would I want my children around this!!!
You also must make sure not to cook on high, because the chemicals that burn into the air have been known to cause Teflon Flu. Causing flu like symptoms such as headaches, chills, backaches, and a temperature rangeing from 100-104. I don't know about you, but after hearing all this... I kicked NASCAR out of my kitchen.

Aluminum pots and pans have been around forever. We also use aluminum in such things as soda cans and canned foods. Have you ever noticed how a soda in a can tastes so much different than a fountain soda or bottled? This is because in consuming the soda, we are also consuming aluminum. This is also true in cooking with aluminum pots.

Studies have shown that aluminum gets rapped around our brain cells; which in long term use could lead, among other things, to Alzheimers. This neurotoxic substance has been found in four parts of the brain in Alzheimers patients. So please!!! Buy bottled soda, fresh or frozen vegies and get that aluminum out of your life!

It is so scary to know that things we use everyday and trust to provide good wholesome meals for our families is really just destroying us!

Monday, July 13, 2009

What Inspires You?

Everyday I wake up to a sweet smiling angel, and a tough little boy that wants to lay in bed with his mommy. A sleepy hardworking man rolls over and opens one eye to see the family that makes it all worth it. And I feel inspired. I feel inspired to be the best mom I can be, because what else do my angels deserve. I feel inspired to be the best wife I can be, because he would never be anything less than the best husband. And I feel inspired to be the best person I can be; smile as I pass and give a helping hand to those in need... Because I want nothing more than to share my happiness. Sure, life is not perfect, but when you wake up every morning to a little piece of heaven... Why not be inspired??

What Inspires You?

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Wow! Catch Up Time!!!

So much has happened since I last blogged. I finished school at High Tech Institute and got a special award for academic excellence... Yay me!

I had a beautiful baby girl, Adriana, who was born on April 21 2009. She was 9 lbs. 7 oz. and 21" long. I know, wow, right? Anyway... She is know 2 1/2 months old, and already has her own sassy little personality. She smiles and talks all the time, and wants to laugh so bad! haha. She also fake cries already. Seriously, she doesn't even put any effort into it. lol.

My son is now 2 1/2 years old and is SUCH a total little boy. He spends his days fighting imaginary monsters, (and anyone else who gets to close), with his light savor. He also loves to bring mom bugs and break everything. haha. He breaks things that I didn't even know could be broken.... But we love him. He loves his new baby sister. He is always telling me "huggies mama"; which in translation basical means, "let me hold my sister". Every time she cries he is right there for her yelling "where's binky, where's binky?". Aaa, what a noisy little team they make. Good to know that he's there for her thow.

We finaly, and yes... For the 3rd time, set a date for our wedding. This time it's real thow. We've put it off before because we want a big wedding, and big weddings cost big money. But, 2 kids later, we really want to be married. So the big day is June 3rd 2011. I know it's far off, but at least that gives us a chance to get some money together. And if you know me well enough than you will know that in planning alone, I'd probably need about 5 years. lol.